- Accelerating community engagement and building the tools to link community profiles and engagement strategies to actual energy outcomes or, Prizes for Community-Led Deep Decarbonization: From Practice to Policy
- Aligning engineering jobs with values
- Biofoundries and the rise of automation in synthetic biology.
- Changing the culture of engineering education
- Civic Science for Environmental Futures Collaborative
- Deep Brain Stimulation: Does It Work?
- End-User Vulnerability in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- From Tattoos to Chips: Perceptions of Body Modification
- Implant Ethics
- Mapping out where to build a physical community laboratory space
- Making activist engineering practical
- Negotiating evidence and expertise around experimental stem cell treatments
- Privacy and Security Issues Arising from Blanket Coverage Biometrics-driven AI
- Project Confluence
- SolarSPELL
- Transhumanist Futures: Overcoming Death and Taxes
- What are the Unintended Consequences of Technology?
- When Mental Walls Lead to Physical Walls